Monday, February 23, 2015

SMS Marketing ‘The New Age Marketing'

SMS is ‘short message service'  SMS marketing is relatively new marketing technique that focuses on the use of text messaging to spread a marketing message using mobile device as a platform.
Considering today's dynamic and fast-evolving world, instant message delivery is the need of the hour is to be able to reach your customers anywhere and at any given time.  Hence businesses are now opting for SMS marketing which empowers them to connect with their customers and target audience instantly.
For those who haven’t already considered integrating SMS into your marketing strategy, well then this is the blog could truly help you!

Benefits of SMS Marketing
SMS marketing is known to have numerous benefits when compared to traditional form of marketing. Few of the have been listed below take a look.
Personalized communication
Experience truly personalized communication with your customers on a one-to-one basis, thereby giving them the feel of individual treatment via the SMS sent to their mobile phones.
Instant Connectivity
Every person carries a mobile phone along hence SMS Marketing ensures your message reaches your customers and target audience anytime and anywhere within short span of time.
Instant Deliverability
SMS Marketing is lightning fast; you can create and deliver a message within a few minutes, literally putting your message into your subscribers’ pockets or purses within a matter of seconds.

High Open Rate
SMS has very high open rate compared to emails, as per a recent survey it was reported that more than 90% of SMSs are opened and read by your customers regardless of the time.
Cost Effective and High ROI
SMS Marketing has low set up and running costs that campaigns can be launched and executed at budget friendly prices. This type of marketing has been estimated to be 10 times more effective than newspaper advertising direct mail. Apart from that it  also maximizes your return on investment.
Go Green!
With SMS marketing you can contribute to the welfare of humanity and the environment by supporting the ‘Go Green’ cause. SMS marketing along with most other online marketing techniques is Eco friendly.
Finally the good thing about it is that anyone can launch a SMS marketing campaign as it goes not require heavy investment. So kick start your campaigns by integrating SMS marketing to experience the never before growth and success.
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Inbound Marketing a Tool to Improve Marketing

One interesting fact is that Inbound Marketing has always been more of a sales tool than a marketing tool. Although, today sales people are starting to catch on, but the truth is, most are still missing out.
In a hope to snare a few leads many marketing budgets are spent broadcasting across multiple formats, the major one being outbound marketing. Cold calling, mass mailing, billboard advertising, and commercials are few of the techniques involved in outbound marketing meant to get your product or service in front of lots of people in the hopes of engaging with a few.
But in today’s date outbound marketing isn’t of much use to people as potential buyers do a lot of research and educate themselves before making any purchasing decision. Hence to get your hands on potential leads, it’s important to provide people with the education and background information they are looking for to help them solve problems or make a decision to buy.
That’s where inbound marketing comes in: it helps to educate your prospects and  bring you more educated, qualified sales leads – this will eventually help your sales team to reduce the time and energy they spend talking to unqualified prospects or leads who aren’t really ready to buy.
Most salespeople and sales teams are clueless about how to leverage their company's content, marketing channels and online community of supporters - to pull prospects through their sales funnels. They're all missing a huge opportunity to improve sales productivity. Probably the biggest sales productivity tool since the telephone.